Saturday, August 11, 2007

Late to the Grapes

In the Gospel of Matthew 21:28-32, Jesus tells the story of a man who has two sons. He asks both to work in his vineyard. The first says no, but later goes to the vineyard. The second says he will, but doesn’t go. Jesus asks, “Which did his father’s will?” They answer, “The first.”

Those with late vocations are like that first son. They may or may not have actively said no to God and his call for their lives. Perhaps they weren’t ready to hear God’s still small voice until after turning 40 or later. But when they finally hear the Spirit in their hearts, they go to the vineyard; they do the Father’s will.

Let’s pray that the Church will receive them so that, like Pope Benedict XVI, they will become humble workers in God’s vineyard.

St. Clare, pray for us.

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